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Validity : 13th Feb'25 to 23rd Feb'25
Pivot Tables have been a mainstay of the Excel program for two decades, and yet they remain a daunting and little understood tool.
If you are a daily user of Excel, eventually you will be faced with the challenge of data summaries and analysis.
The 1st level of that process is sorting and filtering. The 2nd level is Pivot Tables. Without them, you will be spinning your wheels trying to make sense of data.
In this crash course, Andy Lanning will take you from Pivot intro to Pivot advanced - with many tips and tricks along the way!
This course will demonstrate the Pivot Table window, the design process, the advanced level features, and also provided is a downloadable PDF guide with step-by-step instructions on each feature covered.
You will see various Pivot Table and dashboard examples in order to provide ideas on handling different projects and data sets.
Take this course and benefit from Andy Lanning’s 30+ years of experience. At the finish, you will realize how easy Pivot Tables are in helping you through your data summaries!
Pivot Tables are a “data summary” tool useful in data analysis spreadsheets
Attend this webinar for a crash course in Pivot Tables and you’ll be amazed how often you will use Pivots for any task that involves summarizing data.
Excel Pivots can be a mystery until you learn the handy tips in this webinar that will bolster your confidence when summarizing data.
Andy Lanning has worked extensively with Microsoft Office products since the early 1990s.
She has traveled the United States presenting at conferences and corporate classes to help attendees unlock the full potential of the most common office software programs faced daily in our lives: Microsoft.
Andy considers herself a computer “nerd” and has been training individuals and groups since 1995. She continues to teach computer VoTech classes at Boise State University in Idaho and is the owner of a computer consulting business.
She is a Certified Microsoft Office Specialist and trains most Microsoft programs. With 30+ years’ experience in the computer industry, Andy focuses every class on using software to solve common workflow issues.
Be prepared to learn more than you bargained for in her class. Andy always teaches the 5 Super Secrets to computers and believes firmly in efficiency training.
“My goal is to lower frustration and raise productivity. And maybe have some laughs along the way!”
Software specialty areas include: