Root Cause Failure Analysis: Closed Loop Corrective Action


90  Mins


Basic & Intermediate

Webinar ID


  • Problem Definitions
  • Cost of Quality as a Percentage of Sales
  • Process Reliability Modeling 
  • The Five Levels of Problems
  • Failure Analysis 
  • RCFA or RCA   
  • Is the Problem Solved: Depends on Your Point of View
  • Results of Doing it Wrong
  • Model for Improvement
  • Processes are Competitive Advantage
  • Process for Gathering Evidence
  • Process Mapping 
  • Post-it Exercise Used to Gather Evidence
  • Spies and Hackers: Protect Your Data
  • Industrial Espionage Counter Measures

Overview of the webinar

This course covers Root Cause Failure Analysis Closed Loop Corrective Action used to identify multiple roots to organizational problems and eliminate causes affecting internal & external customer satisfaction, the cost of doing business, quality, schedule, safety and security issues. Emphasis is on evidence gathering for each suspected cause before attempting solutions with The Model for Improvement. Also presented are suggestions for keeping processes safe from competitors.

Who should attend?

  • Management Team
  • Process Owners
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Employees

Why should you attend?

Attendees will leave course understanding how to identify multiple root causes impacting their organization’s bottom line, evidence contributing to root cause conditions and methods to correct root causes. Objectives include: 
  • Explain Sigma Score and cost to the organization: 
       1.Early data suggests 15% to 25% loss
       2.Today’s data suggests 25% to 40% loss
  • Explain: Processes are your Competitive Advantage
  • Define role of Process Owners
  • Identify, quantify and correct ineffective processes 
  • Provide problem-solving hints and examples from a past expert
  • Perform process mapping
  • Explain Root Cause Failure Analysis failures: why analysis fails
  • Improve Root Cause Failure Analysis
  • Improve and maintain external customer satisfaction and bottom line results

Faculty - Dr.Michael Abitz

Dr.Michael Abitz is an Adjunct Professor at New Mexico Jr. College, Hobbs, NM. He received his Doctorate in Management from Colorado Technical University and Master of Science in Quality Assurance from California State University. 
Dr. Abitz's professional experiences include Aerospace and computer industries where he developed and presented training in Organizational Process Improvement, Six Sigma and Root Cause Failure Analysis to U.S. companies and Pacific Rim suppliers. 


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