How to Create a Fishbone Diagram for Root Cause Analysis


90  Mins


Basic & Intermediate

Webinar ID


  • Cost Justification: What is Your Organization’s Sigma Level 
  • Improvement Team Selection
  • How to Collect Process Information Without Bias 
  • The Seven Basic Quality Tools
  • Cause and Effect Diagram
  • Finding Root Causes with Reality Charting
  • The Model for Improvement
  • Validation 

Overview of the webinar

Fishbone Diagram (FBD) is one of the seven Quality Control Tools which is used to analyze a problem by identifying possible root causes. It is called a “Fishbone” because the finished diagram looks like the skeleton of a fish. The FBD is also called a Cause-and-Effect Diagram or Ishikawa diagram. During the 1960’s the tool was created by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa, a pioneer in quality management.  

Who should attend?

  • Senior Executives
  • Strategic Leaders
  • Quality Managers
  • Product Managers
  • Manufacturing and R&D Managers
  • Quality Professionals/Consultants 
  • ISO Coordinators/Management Representatives 
  • Engineers and Supervisors
  • Laboratory quality Professionals 

Why should you attend?

Many factors and interactions are sources of failed parts, products or processes. The Fishbone diagramming process will assist teams in “drilling down” to causal areas. This webinar will also present topic on analysis of root causes and how to repair root causes of failures.  

Faculty - Dr.Michael Abitz

Dr.Michael Abitz is an Adjunct Professor at New Mexico Jr. College, Hobbs, NM. He received his Doctorate in Management from Colorado Technical University and Master of Science in Quality Assurance from California State University. 
Dr. Abitz's professional experiences include Aerospace and computer industries where he developed and presented training in Organizational Process Improvement, Six Sigma and Root Cause Failure Analysis to U.S. companies and Pacific Rim suppliers. 


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